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About us

The true information you seek and want 

I was asked several times how it was with my departure from Radio ГA / ГA?


Due to the various efforts and activities of the management, with the significant contribution of their other colleagues, external companies, internal "useful idiots" and related government bodies, often associated with violations of their own company regulations,   their moral code of the company and last but not least the laws of the Czech Republic, this should remain a secret. 

For more than two years, my sister and I collected evidence, analyzed data and unraveled the mysteries related to this case. In addition to expanding my knowledge in the field of computer crime, I also learned some of the basics of law and understood the functioning of state administration and the judiciary, while she gained knowledge in the field of IT. 

Even though it exhausted both of us mentally and physically and in some places it affected our health, it strengthened our family relationships as a result and today we are much closer to each other. This was actually the only good thing that Radio ГA / ГA gave us.

I'm glad I (experienced) it all. I did not succumb to their enticement and intimidation, I did not succumb to the compromises offered. Today, I can say with a clear conscience that I tried, I fought and I did not give up this fight until the last decision of the court. And even though I ended up losing the fight against this crooked system, I learned a lot and leave stronger. 

To all those who say over a beer that "if they were there, they would show them", I can answer with a clear conscience - I was there and I know what they are capable of! I just feel sorry for all those who will come after me and have to go through it all over again. I was the first and now I have become a "precedent" for them...

Another of (our) colleagues is currently fighting to clear his name. I'll keep my fists at him this way, at least from a distance.


So who will be next?


Image by Tarik Haiga


Bílá maškarní maska


All Hands In


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