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Modern Architecture

About him

I served for 

Americká vlajka Témata preclíky

For Radio ГА / ГА I worked for 15 years, from 2004 until my violent departure in 2020. I met many smart people hereh people, experts at their word, decent people on whom I could always rely, but also many whose only goal was their own benefit, scheming and spineless actions.


Radio ГA / ГA was created many decades ago with the aim of spreading the ideas of freedom and democracy to places in the world where the true meaning of these words was mostly unknown to the local "natives". Before 1989, Czechoslovakia was also such a country, and since I belong to the category of those "born before", I remember the times when people and whole families were threatened with various persecutions for listening to it. It was a period that could  be called "Radio ГA / ГA version 1.0", and which was made famous by such journalists as Pavel Pecháček, Lída Rakušanová, Jefim Fištejn, or Václav Havel. The latter in particular pushed for it to move from Munich here to Prague, and it has been my pleasure to work here since 2004. Then, after a long time, I felt that I was a member of a team where it was not important who "I know from them", my passport color, the language I speak. People without distinction met "In the Pit" and celebrated Christmas, birthdays, or "just like that" together. I was based at the Museum and we were close to work and to each other. There were about half of us then and the HR department occupied 2 offices and I considered it an honor to work here.


But times have changed. Radio ГA / ГA moved from the city center a few subway pages away to Hagibor, and along with the change of address, the relationships between people also changed. Especially after 2010, and especially with the arrival of Steve Korn and his "party", relations at the workplace  transformed into "version 2.0", which, except for minor "releases", unfortunately persists to this day. In the previous regime, it was called "collaborative relations at the workplace", characterized by strict adherence to the relationship "superior-subordinate", "useful-useless", "us-them". Society began to divide into the correct  "superhumans", the native "subhumans" and a mixture of both groups  "useful idiots". In addition, each of these groups often competed for their place in the sun in an indiscriminate manner. 

So let's introduce the main characters of the story, which began to unfold on October 7, 2019, and which, after more than two years, still brings surprising new information.

Internal team

Jedná se o mého nadřízeného, který nebyl schopen nic rozhodnout bez toho, aby to nekonzultoval s Kristinou Fšetko. Prostě "na dálkové ovládaní".
Jedná se o IT Security manažera, který údajně ujížděl na drogách. Holt, každý jsme jsme nějaký.
Je to šedá eminence Radia ГA / ГA, bez které se nic důležitého neuděje.

RC ("Remotely controlled")

JS ("Joints Smoker")

KF ("Kristína Fšetko")

Je to český HR manager, působící v roli užitečného idiota. Nemá problém prosadit jakékoliv přání nadřízených.
Hackerská skupina "Strontioum", řízená ruskou GRU a známá z několik napadení IT systémů v ČR.

MS ("Mr. Sushi")

Strontium ("Fancy Bear")

Vedoucí právního oddělění Radio ГA / ГA, která je v úzkém vztahu s její externí soudkyní a smluvní renomovanou advokátní kanceláři.

LA ("Dr. Little Angel")

External team

Zástupce smluvní advokátní kanceláře, který "vše zařídí".

MV ("Mgr. Piggy")

Nadřízená Dr. Husté a vždy připravena ji "podržet".
Předsedkyně soudního senátu, která uděla cokoliv, aby Radio ГA / ГA vyhrálo každý soudní spor.

RV ("Dr. Squirrel")

JH ("Dr. Thick")

Nadřízený orgán Dr. Veveričky - kdykoliv připraven jí pomoci.

MS ("Justice")


Běžný americký daňový poplatník, který neví, ale platí. A to se počítá!
USAGM - ti, kdo to organizují a provozují. Jejich předchůdcem je BBG.

UTP ("US Tax payer")

USAGM ("US Global Media")

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